Handouts for Christian Education Classes/Brochures for Narthex
Although the following Orthodoxy in a Nutshell Brochures can and should be used as brochures for newcomers, the suggestion of the Office of Religious Education is that they be used to start a teen or adult Christian Education class. Here is just one suggestion as to how to accomplish this. The Priest announces that for the upcoming year, on the first Sunday of every month during fellowship hour following Liturgy, there will be an adult Christian Education class. The Priest (or if for some reason this is not possible, a layperson designated by the Priest who is fairly competent in the Faith) will use the Orthodoxy in a Nutshell pamphlets as handouts for the class. (The pamphlet on the Sacraments can be used for several classes in a row, and so should be collected until the final class at which they will get to keep them). After each class is over, set out the pamplets of the past class out in the narthex as brochures for newcomers and for those who did not attend the classes.
Note, for printing any of the following, hit the print icon in reader. When the print page comes up, go down to "page section" and under "page scaling" hit the arrow and select "booklet printing." Then simply hit print. After printing, run through photocopier by selecting double sided printing, and select the option to not inverse the image, select as many copies as you wish to make, and there you have it!
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--the Basic Beliefs of the Orthodox Church (Bifold)
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--the Basic Beliefs of the Orthodox Church (Trifold)
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--The Sacraments of the Church (Booklet) **
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--Christ the Head of the Church (Bifold) *
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--The Great Schism (Bifold) *
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--What about the non-Orthodox? (Bifold) *
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--Sin (Bifold) *
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell--Self examination (Bifold) *
Orthodoxy in a Nutshell-Childrearing (Bifold)*